ESP Member Resources

ESPs are 510,000 strong and the fastest growing membership group in the Illinois Education Association and the National Education Association. Education Support Personnel are an intricate part of our public school system. ESP members educate and support our students every day and make sure they have the tools they need to succeed in our schools and classrooms. Lets face it, in most cases ESPs are the first faces students see each morning and the last faces they see when they go home. What you do each day matters and makes a difference in the lives of our students.

Click the links below and login to Members Only for exclusive information and benefits. Your union membership provides you with a powerful Political Voice, Free Online Computer Training, Discounts and Deals,  Job Links, Legal Assistance, Free Professional Development, and much much more.





ESP Professional Development Training

ESPs IN ACTION 2019-20




What You’ll Learn You will learn how to use The Universal Standards and Levels of Practice to reflect on current levels of skills and knowledge, and map out the area(s) that can be strengthened or improved upon in order to move along the continuum of professional growth.Who Should Apply

  • Education Support Professionals

This stack provides states, local education agencies, and individuals the ability to choose different routes that meet the specific needs and interests of their school community. In this way, the full benefit of the time and skills of ESP can be realized for the students and educators with whom they serve.

IMPORTANT NEA ESP Publication Resources

The NEA ESP Quality Department offers a variety of resources designed to support and elevate the professional excellence of Education Support Professionals in all career families.

Fill out this form to order hard copies of publications available.

ESPs: Who We Are
This brochure promotes an understanding of the 9 ESP career families and provides data and statistics about NEA ESP members working in K-12 and higher education.

ESPs: Supporting Our Own Through Mentoring
This manual is designed to assist state and local Associations and/or school districts/universities to plan and implement mentoring programs for ESP. Download >>

ESP Voice and Opportunity in ESSA
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides ESP a voice for input into school decision-making, as well as opportunities for professional development and program funding. ESP Voice and Opportunity in ESSA is designed for the busy ESP advocate who needs to know the key areas where ESSA may be used for positive impact.

ESPs: Meeting the Needs of the Whole Student 
This digibook illustrates how ESP keep students healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged, ensuring their success for school and in life. Download >>

ESP Bullying Prevention Brochure
This brochure advocates for ESP inclusion in school bullying training and informs how ESP can intervene in bullying, meeting the needs of the whole student. Download >>

Making Connections: Engaging Members in Building Community Support
This manual provides tools to develop strong community connections and support for ESPs and the Association. In order to achieve our goals: gaining recognition and respect for the work we do, improve working conditions, protect our jobs against privatization, and ensure fair pay, we must enlist the support of our communities.

This resource is only available to NEA members and must be ordered by sending a request to

Beat Privatization: A Step‐by‐Step Crisis Organizing Manual
When a school district is already considering contracting out for services, it’s too late to develop a pro‐active anti‐privatization campaign. The local must organize and act immediately! Beat Privatization provides the step-by-step approach for locals and members to organize and win!

This resource is only available to NEA members and must be ordered by sending a request to

New!! Online Membership Enrollment Form

IEA is an association of more than 135,000 members composed of Illinois elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty and staff, educational support professionals, retired educators and college students preparing to become teachers. The IEA was founded in 1853 to serve the interest of public education in Illinois. The IEA became an affiliate of the National Education Association in 1857, an organization currently totaling 3.2 million teachers and school employees working to make our good public schools even better for all students.